* Madura: kingdom in the area of Madura, East Java, with his famous character Joko Tole da Trunojoyo
* Maiwa: kingdom in the Bugis area, South Sulawesi, was founded in 1685.
* Majapahit: the greatest empire of its time which controls the country, centered in East Java.
* Majene: kingdom in the area Mandar, West Sulawesi.
* Makale: one of 3 main principality out of 14 in the area of Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi.
* Makassar
* Makier: kingdom independent or semi-independent in West Timor.
* Malacca
* Malimbong: derah kingdom in Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi.
* Malua
* Malusetasi: kingdom in the Bugis area, South Sulawesi.
* Maluwa: royal city in derah Bugis, South Sulawesi. Duri had been a member of the Federation.
* Mambulu: kingdom in South Sulawesi.
* Mampawa
* Mamuju: kingdom in the area Mandar, West Sulawesi.
* Manbait
* Mandalle: royal city in Makassar, South Sulawesi.
* Mandeo: kingdom independent or semi-independent in West Timor.
* Manganitu: empire in North Sulawesi, was founded in 1521 and became regenschap ("District") from 1911 to 1950 with Manganitu as its capital.
* Manggarai: kingdom on the island of Flores, stood from 1759. From 1762 s.d. 1815 and from 1851 s.d. 1907, Manggarai is part of the Sultanate of Bima.
* Manggeng: subordinate kingdom of the Sultanate of Aceh.
* Mangkunagaran: kingdom covering an area of 2579.98 km ² which was established on March 17, 1757 in Surakarta Kasunanan. [16]
* The Manjuto or Pamuncak Tigo: kingdom in the pit, with a king named lord Magek Bagonjong, the center of the kingdom in Jerangkang High - Island Cage, Kerinci Jambi
* Manoletten: empire in West Timor.
* Manubait: empire in West Timor.
* Mapia: kingdom in the north of Papua, on the island Mapia.
* Mappa: kingdom in Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi.
* Marang: royal city in Makassar, South Sulawesi.
* Marioriawa: kingdom in the Bugis area, South Sulawesi.
* Marioriwawo: kingdom in the Bugis area, South Sulawesi. Colonies of Soppeng.
* Maros: kingdom in southwest Sulawesi, subordinates of Gowa.
* Massu Carreras: kingdom on the island of Sumba.
* Matan: empire in West Kalimantan.
* Matangkuli: subordinate royal sultanate of Aceh.
* Ancient Mataram: a Hindu-Buddhist kingdom in Yogyakarta.
* Mataru: kingdom on the island of Alor, which is then incorporated by the Dutch in 1932 became a bigger empire.
* Maukatar: kingdom independent or semi-independent in West Timor.
* Maumutin: empire in West Timor.
* Mbuli: kingdom on the island of Flores.
* Medang:
* Mehara
* Melabuh
* Malay Jambi: see Calendar
* Old-Jambi Malay: see Calendar
* Meliau: empire in West Kalimantan.
* Melolo: kingdom on the island of Sumba.
* Membawang
* Membora: kingdom on the island of Sumba.
* Mempawah: empire in West Kalimantan.
* Mengkendek: one of 3 main principality out of 14 in the area of Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi.
* Mengwi: kingdom in Bali
* Menia: kingdom on the island of Savu.
* Menjili: kingdom on the island of Sumba.
* Menungul: kingdom in South Kalimantan.
* Melodic
* Mesara: kingdom on the island of Savu.
* Me Tareuen: subordinate royal sultanate of Aceh.
* Meuke: kingdom covering an area of 353 km ² which is subordinate to the sultanate of Aceh.
* Meulaboh
* Meureubok
* Meureudu: subordinate royal sultanate of Aceh, in Meureudu area, Sumatra.
* Minanga: is one of a Malay kingdom that has emerged in the year 645.
* Minangkabau: the most powerful empire in Sumatra, the 12th century until the 17th century.
* Miomaffo: empire in West Timor.
* Misool: kingdom on the island Misool, subordinates from Tidore.
* Moko Moko: the kingdom in West Sumatra.
* Mollo: empire in West Timor (Timor Loro Manu), the formation of the state Netpala, Nunbena and Besiana.
* Mori: empire in West Sulawesi is independent of Ternate in 1900.
* Mori: an empire in Central Sulawesi.
* Moutong: empire in North Sulawesi.
* Mukih
* Muna: Kingdom in Southeast Sulawesi
* Moses: royal subordinates sultanate of Aceh. Previously, a district chief Federation XII.
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