* Tabanan: empire, founded after the collapse of Majapahit, after Dewa Agung Ketut, ruler of Bali and Lombok divided his kingdom into several kingdoms.
* Tabukan: Sangir island kingdom in North Sulawesi, founded in 1521.
* Tabundung: kingdom on the island of Sumba.
* Tado: kingdom on the island of Flores.
* Taebenu: kingdom in West Timor (Timor Loro Manu).
* Tafnai: empire in West Timor (Timor Loro Manu).
* Tagulandang: empire, founded in 1521 in Sangir Island in North Sulawesi.
* Tahuna: royal Sangir Island, North Sulawesi, which was founded in 1521 and became a district of Kendahe Tahuna.
* Takaip Ebbenoni: empire in West Timor (Timor Loro Manu). Join the royal Fatu Leu.
* Takaip Thaiboko: empire in West Timor (Timor Loro Manu). Join the royal Fatu Leu.
* TalaE: one of the 19 kingdoms in Roate Islands, southwest of Timor.
* Talaud: empire, founded in 1521 on the island of Talaud, North Sulawesi.
* Taleong, Taliang: kingdom in the area of Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi.
* Taliwang
* Tallo: sultanate in South Sulawesi, which is the closest ally of Gowa. [27]
* Talo: empire in West Sumatra.
* Tambora: sultanate on the island of Sumbawa in 1815 which was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Tambora.
* Tambusei: empire in East Sumatra.
* Place Mr.
* Tanah Datar: kingdom covering an area of 79.5 km ² in eastern Sumatra.
* Land Java: empire in East Sumatra.
* Land Kunu V: The kingdom on the island of Flores.
* Tanahputih: royal city covering an area of 633 km ² in eastern Sumatra.
* Land Rea: kingdom on the island of Flores.
* Land Riung: kingdom on the island of Sumba.
* Tanette: kingdom in the Bugis area, South Sulawesi.
* Tangse: subordinate kingdom of the Sultanate of Aceh.
* Tanjongseumanto and Meureubok: subordinate kingdom of the Sultanate of Aceh.
* Cape (Borneo)
* Cape (Sumatra): empire in East Sumatra.
* Cape Kassau: empire in East Sumatra.
* Tanjungpura: empire in West Kalimantan.
* Tapalang: kingdom in Mandar, South Sulawesi.
* Tapaktuan: subordinate kingdom of the Sultanate of Aceh.
* Tapparang: kingdom in the area of Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi.
* Undo the Right Tapung Confederation
* Tarumanagara: wisnu wing Hindu kingdom, which ruled in West Java in the 4th century until the 7th.
* Tarumon, see Trumon
* Taruna
* Tasik
* Tawaeli: royal cities in Central Sulawesi, which was founded in 1667.
* Tawanga: kingdom in South Sulawesi.
* Tayan: empire in West Kalimantan, parted ways with Meliau in 1762.
* Tedore
* Tefnai: empire in West Timor (Timor Loro Manu).
* Telok Semawe
* Tembusai
* Tenom
* Termanu: one of the 19 kingdoms in the island of Rote, southwest of Timor.
* Ternate: kingdom covering an area of 65 km ² in the Moluccas, which was founded in the 13th century by people from Djaïlolo (now Jailolo). Ternate in the Moluccas became the main royal in 1380 exceeded Djailolo. [28]
* Eggplant: Adonara island kingdom in the south.
* Teunom: subordinate kingdom of the Sultanate of Aceh.
* Teupah: kingdom on Simeulue Island, west Sumatra.
* Thie: one of the 19 kingdoms in the island of Rote, southwest of Timor. From 1730 until 1756, Manek from Thierry went with Maneks of OEpao, Loleh, Baa and Lelain to Java to learn more about Christianity.
* Tidore: kingdom covering an area of 78 km ² in North Maluku, which was founded by people from Djaïlolo (now Jailolo) Tidore Island.
* Tidung: East Kalimantan, which was founded by people from Dynasti Landmarks (MH).
* Three Mukims Gighen
* Three Mukims Klumpang Pajong
* Timu: kingdom in the island of Savu.
* Titeue: the kingdom of the Sultanate of Aceh's subordinates, was part of the Federation commander XII.
* Tjeranti: empire in East Sumatra, is formed from Kuantan to 5 state separation.
* Tjereweh
* Tjingal: kingdom in South Kalimantan.
* Love the King: the royal area of 11.95 km ² in eastern Sumatra.
* Tjirebon (see Sultanate of Cirebon)
* Tjumbok
* Tjunda: subordinate royal sultanate of Aceh.
* Tobaku: empire in Central Sulawesi.
* Tohe: empire in West Timor.
* Tojo: royal Togian Island, Central Sulawesi.
* Toli Toli: empire in North Sulawesi. Toli Toli Dynasty also connected with the dynasty Buol.
* Tomini: empire in Central Sulawesi.
* Topejawa: royal city in Makassar, South Sulawesi.
* Toribulu: empire in Central Sulawesi.
* Trienggadeng: subordinate royal sultanate of Aceh, in Meureudu area, Sumatra.
* Tripathi, Tripah: kingdom in Sumatra, the colony of Kawai XVI.
* Trong
* Trumon or Tarumon: subordinate kingdom of the Sultanate of Aceh was established in 1795. [29]
* Truseb: subordinate royal sultanate of Aceh, which was part of the Federation commander XII.
* Bone Onion: Hindu kingdom in the area of bone Onions, Lampung.
* Tungkob: subordinate kingdom of the Sultanate of Aceh.
* Turateya
* Turing: the kingdom on the island of Flores.
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