* Sabak: an ancient kingdom in Jambi.
* Sabamban: kingdom in South Kalimantan.
* Sadurangas: see Sand
* Salakanagara: royal city called Argyre by Ptolemy in the year 150 AD, is located in the Gulf region Lada, Pandeglang.
* Salang: kingdom on the island of Simeulue, Sumatra.
* Salaparang
* Salawati: kingdom in the North West Irian Jaya on the island of Salawati.
* Salimbouw
* Samadua, Samaduwa: subordinate kingdom of the Sultanate of Aceh.
* Same Indra and Lhok Kaju: royal subordinates Sultanate of Aceh, in the Sigli. This kingdom earlier part of the Federation commander VI.
* Samakuro, Samakurok, Samakuru: subordinate kingdom of the Sultanate of Aceh.
* Samalanga: subordinate kingdom of the Sultanate of Aceh.
* Sambaliung: kingdoms in East Kalimantan, was formed from the Sultanate of Berau, split in 1830 into two kingdoms.
* Sambas: empire in West Kalimantan, which stood at the end of the 16th century. [22]
* Sampanahan: kingdom in South Kalimantan.
* Samprangan: the conquered kingdom of Majapahit in Bali.
* Ocean Pasai: Islamic kingdom located on the coast of northern Sumatra, founded in 1267 and ruled by the Portuguese in 1521.
* Sangalla: one of the three main kingdoms in the area of Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi.
* Studio: the royal on the island of Sumbawa. Studio lost its majority at the time of the eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815.
* Sanggau: empire in West Kalimantan.
* Sanrabone, Sanra Boni: kingdom in the area of Makassar, South Sulawesi.
* Sarinembah: empire in East Sumatra.
* Sasak
* Sausu: empire in Central Sulawesi.
* Sawang: subordinate kingdom of the Sultanate of Aceh.
* Sawiti: kingdom in the Bugis area, South Sulawesi.
* Savu
* Seba: kingdom on the island of Savu.
* Segaluh kingdom in Kediri, East Java.
* Segeri: kingdom in the area of Makassar, South Sulawesi, which was formed in 1776.
* Sekadau: empire in West Kalimantan.
* Sekala Brak: kingdom at the foot of Mount Pesagi, Lampung. is a forerunner of the current rate of Lampung.
* Sekar: kingdom in eastern Papua.
* Selesse: kingdom covering an area of 70.48 kmТВ in East Sumatra.
* Selimbau: kingdom in Kapuas Mountains, Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan, was founded in 800s by Gunter Badju Binduh which according to legend came from heaven.
* Senaam
* Senagan
* Senembah: kingdom covering an area of 114.42 kmТВ in East Sumatra.
* Attack: the kingdom covering an area of 4.584 kmТВ, with a population of approximately 80,000 people on Sumbawa Island, which was founded in 1650. kingdom was founded back in 1837 after the eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815.
* Serbeujadi Aboq, Serbojadi Aboq: subordinate kingdom of the Sultanate of Aceh.
* Serdang: empire in East Sumatra, independence from Siak on August 16, 1862. [23]
* Serebo So
* Seunagan: kingdom in the area of Sumatra. Colonies from the Kingdom of Kawai XVI or Meulaboh.
* Seuneuam: subordinate kingdom of the Sultanate of Aceh.
* Main Siah: royal subordinates Sultanate of Aceh.
* Siak Sri Inderapura: kingdom covering an area of 16,224 kmТВ and a population of approximately 25,000 people in eastern Sumatra, established in 1716. [24]
* Siantar: empire in East Sumatra.
* Noon: Pangkep kingdom in South Sulawesi. Former central region Siang Kingdom, SengkaE --- now located in the village of Bori Appaka, Sub-District Bungoro Pangkep --- In that place there initially river (River Day) with the port that connects it with the remote coastal areas on the west coast of Sulawesi peninsula which has been visited by local traders, open economic and political relations with some local kingdoms and accept the arrival of the traders from the Malay Peninsula and Portuguese ships from the western islands of the archipelago between 1542 and 1548. The arrival of Portuguese sailors in the Port Noon on the 15th Century, as recorded by Antonio de Paiva and Manuel Pinto, just when Noon was declining influence as the largest kingdom on the peninsula west of South Sulawesi before rising political prestige on the southern kingdom of Gowa. (Makkulau, 2005, 2007).
* Siau: royal island in North Sulawesi, founded in 1521.
* Sidenreng: kingdom in the Bugis area, South Sulawesi.
* Sigenti: empire in Central Sulawesi.
* Sigi, Sigi Birumaru, Sigi Dolo: empire in Central Sulawesi, founded in 1650.
* Sigulai: kingdom on the island of Simeulue, Sumatra.
* The Thunder: empire in West Sumatra.
* Sikijang: royal town in East Sumatra.
* Sikka: 4377 square kmТВ kingdom with a population of 120,000 people on the island of Flores.
* Silat: empire in West Kalimantan.
* Silawang: empire in West Kalimantan.
* Silebar: empire in West Sumatra.
* The Five Kuta: empire in East Sumatra.
* Simaloer, Simalur: kingdom on the island of Simeulue, in the Sumatra region.
* Simbuang: kingdom in Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi.
* Simeulue: kingdom on the island of Simeulue.
* Simpang: empire in West Kalimantan, parted ways with Sukadana in the mid-18th century.
* Simpang Olim, Simpangulim: kingdom which was discovered in 1836, less than a subordinate of the sultanate of Aceh, on Sumatra region.
* Singgere: kingdom in South Sulawesi.
* Singhasari: kingdom which was formed by Ken Arok, in East Java in 1222.
* Singingi and Loras: kingdom covering an area of 135 kmТВ in East Sumatra.
* Singkawang: empire in West Kalimantan.
* Sintang: empire in West Kalimantan. [25]
* Si Pare Pare, Si Pari Pari: empire covering 51 kmТВ in East Sumatra.
* Sirimau
* Soasiu
* Soengai Ijoe
* Soetrana
* Solo: (see Surakarta)
* Solor: kingdom on the island of Solor, then berpisan into 2 kingdoms namely Lamakera and Lohayong or Lawajong.
* Small Sonbai: empire in West Timor.
* Soppeng: kingdom in the Bugis area, South Sulawesi, was founded in 1609.
* Soya: Dynasty descendant of King of Majapahit. Three brothers founded the kingdom of Soya, at the peak of Mount Sirimau in Nusaniwe.
* Sri Indrapura
* Sriwijaya: Buddhist kingdom based in Palembang, ruling from the 7th century until the 9th.
* Stabat: 5:18 kmТВ kingdom covering an area in East Sumatra.
* Suhaid: empire in West Kalimantan.
* Like: empire in East Sumatra.
* Sukadana: empire in West Kalimantan, was founded in the late 15th century by the envoys of Majapahit.
* Sukudua: kingdom covering an area of 51 kmТВ in eastern Sumatra, then joined to form the kingdom Boga Boga Sukudua.
* Suli: Hitu kingdom in southern regions, the island of Ambon, Maluku.
* Sulu: empire that ever existed in northern Borneo, Sabah and the surrounding area to master, this time some areas of the kingdom into a province of Sulu, Philippines.
* Sumbawa: 4584 square kmТВ kingdom with a population of 80.000 people on the island of Sumbawa, which was founded in 1650. kingdom was rebuilt in 1837 setelal eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815.
* Sumedang Disallow: Islamic empire that thought to have stood since the 15th century in West Java.
* Sumedang Kamulyan: Kingdom in South Malang, East Java, South Kepanjen.
* Sunda and Galuh: two kingdoms which is a fraction of the Kingdom Tarumanagara.
* Sugaluh: small kingdom that is still associated with the kingdom of Sunda-Galuh, founded in 1672 by descendants of the 3rd King of Yan Niskala Wastu geographical Amarta Dwija. The kingdom was established in the mountain areas to the hinterland bayonet-Pataruman Banjar, West Java.
* River Kunit: empire in West Sumatra.
* River Lemau: kingdom in Bengkulu is an advanced empire Serut River devastated by the war with the kingdom of Aceh. Way of the Kingdom of His Majesty Maharaja Pagarruyung married to Princess Ivory Cempaka son of Queen Court and appointed to the King River Serut ..
* River Serut: first empire in Bengkulu, with the king of Queen's Court.
* Sungairaya
* Sungei Iju: royal subordinates Sultanate of Aceh, in the Tamiang, Sumatra.
* Sungei Tras
* Sunggal: kingdom covering an area of 3.98 kmТВ in East Sumatra.
* Sungu King: the kingdom of the Sultanate of Aceh's subordinates.
* Supiori: kingdom on the island of Biak, Irian Jaya. Stephen Wanda declare himself as King Supiori.
* Suppa: kingdom covering an area of 225 kmТВ with 5,500 inhabitants (1917) in Central Sulawesi.
* Surakarta: the royal area of 3635 kmТВ in Central Java, was founded in 1755 after the empire of Mataram split into two kingdoms. [26]
* Suroaso: empire in West Sumatra, close to Pagaruyung. Suroaso last king is Sutan Natural Kerayahan involved in Communion with the Netherlands and the United Kingdom in 1824.
* Susoh, heel: the kingdom of the Sultanate of Aceh's subordinates.
* Sutan Young: royal subordinates Sultanate of Aceh, in the Tamiang.
* Sutrana: empire in West Timor (Timor Loro Manu), the area south of Oecussi Ambeno with a history of inter-related.
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