Tuesday, February 8, 2011

empire that ever existed in the archipelago ( R )

     * Raijua: kingdom on the island of Savu Raijua in the islands.
     * King: empire in East Sumatra.
     * Rambah: royal town in East Sumatra.
     * Randjoea
     * Rano: kingdom in Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi.
     * Rantau Kwantan Confederation, Federation of Rantau
     * rapang: kingdom in the Bugis area, South Sulawesi.
     * dangle: royal subordinates Sultanate of Aceh, in the Sigli, Sumatra. This kingdom is part of the Federation commander XII.
     * Rende, Rendi: kingdom on the island of Sumba.
     * Reubeë
     * Riau: sultanate of Riau, which descended from the ruling king Luwu. [21]
     * Rigaih, Rigas: subordinate kingdom of the Sultanate of Aceh.
     * Rindau
     * Ringgouw: one of the 19 kingdoms in Rote Island, southwest of Timor Island, founded in 1691.
     * Riung: royal city on the island of Flores.
     * Rokan Kiri: empire in East Sumatra.
     * Rote: islands in the southwest of the island of Timor, a Dutch federation formation which consists of 19 kingdoms. The Federation was formed from 1928 to 1948.
     * Rumbati: royal city in eastern Papua.


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